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Kid India , Detroit MI
Ad ID : 657719 | 1221 views| Edit / Delete
Address 25301 Halsted Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48335,
Detroit MI 48335
Phone No 02487191448
Email Id kidindiamichigan@gmail.com
Contact Kid India
Website : http://www.kidindia.org
We don't believe in giving sheets , WE TEACH . Ours is real class room based, small group study . We teach mathematical topic,practice in class room , practice work for home & evaluate every 4 months . Based on the scores child will move to another level / topic. Mathematical Strategy is crucial part of our teaching
Well 8+8 is 16 so 8+ 7 will be one less then 16 or 8+9 will be one more then 16 . * 29+ 10 = 39 so 29+ 9 will be 38 . To make it understand through our specially designed flash cards , charts , and other play way method not only make child less dependable on abacus , calculator & also saves time in continuing on tips .Actually these strategies are first step towards problem solving in very young age .
A nations culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people......a culture of the mind must be subservient to the heart. No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. Culture restricted to an area, cannot persist for long.
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