Search Results On fashion industry (Page 1 of 2)

fashion industry (Page 1 of 2)

  • Rohit Bal, Lifetime Achievement Award, lifetime achievement for rohit bal, Fashion industry

    Lifetime Achievement for Rohit Bal 2013-10-07 10:09:28

    Goa recently opened its doors for The I Am Fashion Weekend . One of the biggest highlights of the four-day fashion event was the award ceremony that felicitated the bigwigs of the fashion industry for their work. The weekend flagged...

    Keywords: Lifetime Achievement for Rohit Bal, Lifetime Achievement Award, Fashion, Fashion

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    Future of Fashion, Future of Fashion, future of fashion industry, Fashion industry

    Future of fashion Industry 2016-05-07 10:53:55

    A style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make up and more, and even this applies to the nature of the body, behavior Etc,. The word fashion itself shows that, it is an ever changing...

    Keywords: fashion, fashion, Future of Fashion, fashion

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    Salwar Kameez, Salwar Kameez fabric, why salwar kameez is the best outfit for summer, Fashion industry

    Why Salwar Kameez Is The Best Outfit For Summer? 2024-05-09 15:22:02

    Summer days in India are known to be relentlessly wet and dry. Going out at this time of year has its challenges. Choosing an outfit that doesn't interfere with your everyday life is always a big task. When temperatures are...

    Keywords: Salwar Kameez summers, Salwar Kameez, Salwar Kameez in summer, Salwar Kameez breaking

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    pop culture, cultural reset, from 1980 to 2020 the biggest female icon of each year worldwide, Fashion industry

    From 1980 to 2020 - The biggest Female Icon of Each Year Worldwide 2021-01-19 09:46:23

    Women have made big moves and impacted so many of us who live today. When it came to pop culture, women had to pave the way to help female icons today be who they want to be and embrace the...

    Keywords: cultural reset, pop culture, pop culture, inspiration

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    aesthetic, style, 11 simple yet creative fashion trends to storm their way into 2021, Fashion industry

    11 simple yet creative Fashion Trends to storm their way into 2021 2021-02-13 07:26:08

    2020 has been a stressful year as most of us spent the whole year quarantining at home. However, that did not stop fashionistas from going all out with their creativity in fashion. With the rise of Tiktok and Instagram influencers...

    Keywords: style, 2021. fashion, trends, 2021. fashion

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    Sahajwalla, waste management, now you can turn your old clothes into building materials, Fashion industry

    Now You Can Turn Your Old Clothes into Building Materials 2018-12-20 08:55:25

    Disposing clothing that is not anymore needed is a missed opportunity to turn the fabric into brand-new products such as building materials, as well as address our unsustainable landfill difficulties, says an Indian-origin professor. According to Veena Sahajwalla from University...

    Keywords: eco friendly building materials, eco friendly building materials, unwanted clothes into building materials, Sahajwalla

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