Search Results On gujarat news

gujarat news

  • Delhi police, Delhi police, delhi s rape epidemic intensifies, Gujarat news

    Delhi's rape epidemic intensifies 2013-07-05 09:25:51

    It's been roughly seven months since the 23-year-old woman was brutally gang-raped in a moving bus in the capital city on December 16 last year. But despite of all the ballyhoo and beefed up preventive measures, Delhi continues to burgeon...

    Keywords: Delhi's rape epidemic intensifies, Delhi's rape epidemic intensifies, Delhi police, rise in rape cases in India

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    Madhapar in Gujarat, Madhapar Gujarat, here is the asia s richest village that is located in gujarat, Gujarat news

    Here is the Asia's richest village that is located in Gujarat 2024-08-23 07:47:36

    Gujarat is a top business destination in India. It has produced many successful industrialists. But the prosperity extends beyond cities. Madhapar, a village in Kachchh, is known as the 'wealthiest village in Asia', with impressive economic well-being. Residents of this...

    Keywords: Madhapar Gujarat, Madhapar in Gujarat, Madhapar, Madhapar Gujarat latest

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    crime in Ahmedabad, Gujarati women, help emergency alert rescue terminal acts rapidly, Gujarat news

    "Help Emergency Alert Rescue Terminal" acts rapidly! 2013-05-22 04:01:51

    Gujarat has experienced 2,577 rape cases at the same time six major cases of gang-rape in the past 10 years for which two people have been sentenced to death as well as 14 been awarded life imprisonment. Now, as an...

    Keywords: Ruzan Khambhata, NGO, Gujarat woman security, Sanjay Srivastav

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    Rock band, Gujarat Chief Minister, rock music to upsurge narendra modi, Gujarat news

    Rock music to upsurge Narendra Modi! 2013-05-17 07:52:40

    If one have a thought in the gray cell as to see it as a fact of prominence that while saffron and  politics are going hand in hand had the only perspective of singing bhajans or may called as devotional...

    Keywords: Kashmiri rock band Panchtarni Music, Rock concert in Narendra Modi name, BJP activist, Rock band

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