Search Results On health care professionals (Page 1 of 2)
health care professionals (Page 1 of 2)
Loneliness in Senior Citizens Linked to Declining Health: Study 2019-04-30 04:15:51
Young people, most of the times tend to turn their back on their elderly parents or leave them isolated owing to many reasons ranging from lack of time to lack of proper sense of responsibility. But, a recent study found...
Keywords: elderly boredom and loneliness, resources for lonely seniors, effects of loneliness in elderly, study on loneliness in senior citizens
Read MoreCoronavirus Fight: 835 Health Care Professionals Allowed To Visit Saudi Arabia 2020-05-14 11:19:23
Riyadh requests Indian Government to send health care professionals to battle against COVID-19. Now, the Indian Government has approved this travel of 835 healthcare professionals to Saudi Arabia. On Wednesday, the first batch of doctors and nurses having knowledge about...
Keywords: Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ausaf Sayeed, Coronavirus Fight, Ausaf Sayeed
Read MoreLess sleep can make you look ugly 2013-09-03 12:10:17
Now you know that the term "beauty sleep" is no myth! A latest finding has revealed that lack of good night sleep can make you look ugly, or shall we say weary with red, puffy eyes, dark circles, wrinkles, and...
Keywords: Less sleep can make you look ugly, No Sleep Appearance, Sleep Deprivation Ugly, Sleep Deprivation Face
Read MoreC-Section Deliveries Nearly Doubled Worldwide Since 2000: Study 2018-10-13 10:27:53
The number of babies born through cesarean section (C-section) virtually doubled across the world between 2000 and 2015, from 12 to 21 percent of all births, according to a series of three papers published in The Lancet journal.Although the life-saving...
Keywords: C-Section Deliveries, section, pregnancy, C-Section
Read MoreLess sleep can make you look ugly 2013-09-03 11:30:30
Now you know that the term "beauty sleep" is no myth! A latest finding has revealed that lack of good night sleep can make you look ugly, or shall we say weary with red, puffy eyes, dark circles, wrinkles, and...
Keywords: No Sleep Appearance, No Sleep Appearance, Sleep Deprivation Ugly, Less sleep can make you look ugly
Read MoreUS Coronavirus death toll rises by 100 on Monday 2020-03-24 07:03:32
Monday, March 24, 2020 proved to be the deadliest for the United States as the country witnessed 100 new deaths because of the coronavirus pandemic. Following the constant rise in the death toll, the Governors of the states are implementing...
Keywords: US, coronavirus, coronavirus, pandemic
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