Last week, one family in Davison had a spider family take up residence inside their detached garage. On the floor of the garage, the family found two long-legged spiders. When identified it was revealed that they are recluse spiders, which carries a strong bite. Its bite can become necrotic and turn a dark color before becoming a deep, open sore before the bite dies.
The family had no idea from where the quarter sized spiders came from or how they arrived in Michigan.
Michigan State University entomologist Howard Russell confirmed that these spiders were brown recluses and this is not the first time he has seen them in Michigan.
"I've been doing this for 30 years," said Russell. "I've had eight brown recluse out of thousands of spiders submitted, so they're rare."
The University of California, Riverside spider site, brown recluses should not be anywhere around Michigan, they are mostly found in southern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
Russel said prior to 2009, he had only identified two brown recluses in Michigan. He concluded that in both the cases, the spiders hitched a ride with people who had travelled to a southern state where they are common.
These spiders are not something most residents in Michigan have to worry about.
Mark Zuckeberg visit Michigan for the first time